1. Mr. Shyam had issued a cheque for Rs. 500000 and the cheque was dishonored due to insufficiency of funds. Mr. Shyam may be punished?
2. In which of the following Mutual Fund cannot invest?
3. SHG should meet regularly, ideally, the meetings should be:
4. Which of the following type of complaint is not handled by the banking ombudsman?
5. If FIls issue, renew, cancel, or redeem Participatory Notes, they are required to report to the SEBI on a:
6. Banks also issue Guarantees in foreign currency on behalf of exporters for approved purposes as defined under FEMA, FEMA, subject to availability of credit limits or against:
7. In which of the following retail banking sector is characterized?
8. RBI introduced Long Term Repo Operation (LTRO) under which RBI conducted term repos of:
9. The first noted reference to the concept of Marketing in the context of the Indian Banks was made by:
10. Which of the following option is not correct in respect of the benefits of PMJDY?
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JAIIB PPB Principles and Practices of Banking Quiz 3
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